Download Workrave

Workrave 1.10.52 was released on 23 Sep 2023. See the announcement on the blog.

Workrave is currently available on GNU/Linux and Microsoft Windows. As Workrave is free software, the source code is also available. Please choose your operating system below.

Stable Release

The latest version is 1.10.52.

v1.10.52 for Windows

Previous Releases

Previous versions of Workrave are available for download on github:

Even older versions are available from SourceForge:

Development Builds

Development builds are also available.

If no binary packages are available for your distribution, you can compile Workrave yourself from source.

Stable Releases

Source code for the latest stable releases can be found on Github:


The most recent source code for the development version Workrave can also be found on Github:

The development version of Workrave has seen a lot of internal cleanup and code modernization compared to the stable version. However, there are only very few new features. The most interesting functional change is a port to macOS using Qt5. Note that the development version has not been thoroughly tested as the stable version and may be less stable.

The recommended way of installing Workrave on Linux or a Unix-Linux distribution is by using the official package of the distribution, if available.


sudo apt-get install workrave


sudo dnf install workrave


pkg install workrave


zypper install workrave


sudo apt-get install workrave

For Ubuntu, we also have a PPA.