Bug 1207 - Feature request: password
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P5 enhancement
Target Milestone:
Rob Caelers
Depends on:
$d := (time $bug.last_change_time)
$d.Format "Jan 2 2006 15:04:05 UTC"
CC List:
Kees-Jan Dijkzeul
Rob CaelersDec 23 2015 17:50:46 UTCseveritynormalenhancement
be**@t-**.deJun 9 2016 17:55:13 UTCccbe**@t-**.de
Kees-Jan DijkzeulJun 10 2016 06:21:23 UTCccKees-Jan Dijkzeul
jesus6828  May 2 2015 14:14:55 UTC
Hi! Firstly I want to tou thank the creators of the program, it really helped me to avoid distraction sometimes.

My desire is very simple: just a password to avoid entering the settings.

I use Workrave because I know I don't have enough self-control to take the breaks I consciously think is better to take. So many times I just clicked "Postpone", now I disabled that option, but still I can activate "Quiet mode" or "Suspended mode".
I just want a password that forbid me to change it, besides the settings.

Best regards.
Comment 1
be**@t-**.de  Jun 9 2016 17:55:13 UTC
I second this request very much. Without password workrave is useless for me.
Comment 2
Kees-Jan Dijkzeul  Jun 10 2016 06:21:23 UTC
(In reply to jesus6828 from comment #0)
I'm not clear on how this should work. You want a password that keeps you from modifying settings, and also keeps you from activating quiet or suspended mode.

And then how do you make sure you do not know this password?

Speaking from experience, I know that low self-control can get you into trouble. But tools like workrave can only do so much. At some point, you have to learn that when someone (or something, if you count workrave) gives you good advice, you should take it.
Comment 3
be**@t-**.de  Jun 11 2016 18:00:01 UTC
(In reply to Kees-Jan Dijkzeul from comment #2)
> (In reply to jesus6828 from comment #0)
> I'm not clear on how this should work. You want a password that keeps you
> from modifying settings, and also keeps you from activating quiet or
> suspended mode.
> And then how do you make sure you do not know this password?
> Speaking from experience, I know that low self-control can get you into
> trouble. But tools like workrave can only do so much. At some point, you
> have to learn that when someone (or something, if you count workrave) gives
> you good advice, you should take it.

I am a workaholic and currently use a children protection program which is too complex by far. So I'd like to change to workrave.
The password is kept by a friend, simple, isn't it?
Comment 4
jesus6828  Jun 11 2016 20:09:22 UTC
(In reply to Kees-Jan Dijkzeul from comment #2)

> "You want a password that keeps you
> from modifying settings, and also keeps you from activating quiet or
> suspended mode"
 ---> Exactly. So you could only enter settings and/or changing mode with the password.

> "And then how do you make sure you do not know this password?"
 Good question. As the user bege10 said, one solution is giving to a friend you trust, and telling him something like <<dont give it to me unless I tell you is really important>>.
 ---> For me this is reasonably enough, because I know am not going to lie in the face.

Another solution is forcing the user to introduce a "random string" , different every time.
For example 100 or more characters. 

> Speaking from experience, I know that low self-control can get you into
> trouble. But tools like workrave can only do so much. At some point, you
> have to learn that when someone (or something, if you count workrave) gives
> you good advice, you should take it.

 ---> By doing any of these 2, its true that user still can bypass, by I think the "threeshold" is very different. This is more practical.
If I have a button that I can click an disable everything in 2 seconds...
Of course you are totally rigth, "we should take the advice" but this may vary from person to person, I find that I failed myself many times and unblock my previously guidelines.